The holidays are still in full swing! Tis the season for hot cocoa, candy canes and sweet, decadent holiday pastries! While many indulge and worry about the effect these goodies have on our waistline, we forget about the effect our sugary treats have on our teeth.

If you eat solid sugars like pies, cakes and cookies; it’s a good idea to brush afterwards. Chewing foods laden with sugar can leave larger-than-normal amounts of sugar residue on your teeth. You also should remember that liquid treats, such as cocoa, egg nog and carbonated drinks also contain sugar. Sugar consumed in a liquid form can reach every nook and cranny of your mouth and will require a more thorough cleaning.

Your saliva will not wash away sugar residue, so bacteria will begin to eat away at your enamel. Over time, sugar can break down the enamel of your teeth and cause cavities and erosion. In cases of severe erosion, you may even experience extreme changes in your bite, a significant reduction in the size of your back teeth and even tooth loss!

Be sure to follow your daily brushing and flossing routine! If you have consumed a lot of sugar, it is a good idea to step it up a notch and clean your teeth after that sugary snack! In general, you can try and reduce the amount of sugar you eat and drink. You won’t want to cut back on your cleaning because a food label says that it is “low-sugar” or “sugar-free.” Many of these low-sugar or sugar-free products use artificial sweeteners. There are potential health risks associated with use of artificial sweeteners. Research shows they can still create an acidic environment in your mouth.

There are many pictures to take and memories to make this holiday season! Don’t let the magic of the holidays distract you from having a bright smile!